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Old June 28th 10, 04:53 AM
roricka roricka is offline
Junior Member
First recorded activity at Outlookbanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 4

May I speak frankly (and gimme a break -- everyone has a right to vent a tad)? I asked a simple question. How do I find the path of the folder that is reported when I do a Find Message in OE. If you don't understand the question, all you have to do is say I don't understand (i.e., reread my original post. It's clear "check the subfolder box" couldn't be the answer I was looking for). And if you think it is impossible, all you have to say is I think it is impossible. What I am really really tired of is people giving unsolicited behavioral advice. Did I ask for behavioral advice? Don't get ****ed. Hear me out. I wrote that I might have duplicate folder names in case you were to write, as is incredibly common, "well, why would you ever want to do..." or " well, why would you ever set up like..." etc. etc. etc. I DON"T HAVE FOLDERS WITH DUPLICATE NAMES. I only mentioned that as an example where just having the parent folder might not be enough. And besides, you are wrong. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having folders with duplicate names. Of course I have good backups. How patronizing of you to ask me about that. Look, if OE has a weakness, that you can't find folder paths, then sure, each folder should include its path in its name. Is this the case?

Thank you for the suggestion about marking unread. I have dozens of folders containing unread mail so it doesn't help, I'm afraid, but it is a good idea. However, in answer to my original question, I am assuming that your answer is "there is no way to do that" -- i.e., there is no way to obtain the path to the found parent folder. Or more specifically, there is no way to find the path of a given stored email. Is that correct?

Originally Posted by PA Bear [MS MVP] View Post

None of you user-created folders should have the same name. Rename any such
folders to avoid such self-made confusion (e.g., Saved Messages1, Saved
Messages2, etc.; Archive2007, Archive2008, etc.).

roricka wrote:
Indeed PA Bear, it tells me the name of the sub FOLDER. But my question
is, what is the PATH to that folder? Let's say it's 3 subfolders deep,
and I gave it an obscure name. Or let's say I have several subfolders
(under different parent folders) with the same name. Simply having the
name of the subfolder doesn't give me enough info to find the email (or,
more importantly, OTHER emails that may be in that same subfolder.) You
dig?? How do I figure that out, without having to expand every folder
and look down every path?

'PA Bear [MS MVP Wrote:
;350242']If the "Include subfolders" option is checked, the subfolder
name should be
displayed in the Results.

roricka wrote:-
When I use Find Message (Ctrl-Shift-F), the resulting list only says
folder name of the mail. If I've created subfolders, it doesn't tell
how to find that folder, i.e., the "path" to the folder. Is there a
to do this. I have a fairly deep structure, and sometimes I have to
spend a lot of time finding the location of a found email.

How do other people handle this problem?

Thanks. -