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Old November 9th 06, 03:15 PM posted to
Bruce Hagen
external usenet poster
Posts: 10,210
Default .dbx corrupted files

"Rodrigo Santos" wrote in message

"Michael Santovec" wrote:

This program probably has the best chance of recovering any messages
from corrupted DBX files.

DBXpress -


Mike -

Thank´s man, it´s a great program but it didn´t work at all.
I noticed one thing, DBXpress just extract the messages form the dbx files
to a folder but when I use the program with the folders (the files) that
problems the DBXpress don´t extract anything it´s like the file didn´t had
messages in it and the user told me that the Outlook Express a little
the problem starts was showing a message about compacting the messages.
Do this has something relationed with the problem?

You have to run DBXpress in the Extract From Disk Mode to search the HDD for
the fragmented messages. The compacting process removed them from the dbx

From DBXpress:
DBXpress can bypass a drive's file system and extract messages directly from
the hard drive, enabling extraction of messages from deleted files, or from
drives whose partition table has been damaged, or from drives that have been
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
